Difference of behaviors between Virtual Threads & Classical Threads regarding ‘synchronized’
Image by Ilija - hkhazo.biz.id

Difference of behaviors between Virtual Threads & Classical Threads regarding ‘synchronized’

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Are you ready to dive into the world of multithreading and synchronization? In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating realm of Virtual Threads and Classical Threads, focusing on their behaviors regarding the ‘synchronized’ keyword. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

What’s the big deal about ‘synchronized’?

The ‘synchronized’ keyword in Java is used to ensure thread safety by controlling access to shared resources. It’s a crucial concept in multithreading, as it allows only one thread to execute a block of code at a time, preventing data inconsistencies and race conditions. But, how does it behave differently between Virtual Threads and Classical Threads? That’s what we’re about to find out!


Virtual Threads, introduced in Java 19, are a new type of thread that’s designed to be more efficient and lightweight than Classical Threads. They’re perfect for applications that require a large number of threads, as they reduce overhead and improve performance. But, how do they interact with the ‘synchronized’ keyword?

Behavior of Virtual Threads with ‘synchronized’

When a Virtual Thread encounters a synchronized block, it will behave differently than a Classical Thread. Here’s what happens:

  • Blocking: Virtual Threads will block until the lock is available, just like Classical Threads. However, the blocking is more efficient, as it doesn’t involve a context switch, which reduces overhead.
  • Lock Striping: Virtual Threads use a technique called lock striping to reduce contention. This means that multiple Virtual Threads can acquire the same lock simultaneously, as long as they’re operating on different stripes of the lock.
  • Fairness: Virtual Threads prioritize fairness when acquiring locks. This ensures that no single thread can monopolize the lock, preventing starvation and improving overall system performance.
// Example of Virtual Thread behavior with 'synchronized'
public class VirtualThreadExample {
    private synchronized void criticalSection() {
        // Critical section code here

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a Virtual Thread
        Thread.startVirtualThread(() -> {


Classical Threads, on the other hand, are the traditional type of thread that’s been around since the early days of Java. They’re heavier and more resource-intensive than Virtual Threads, but they’re still widely used. How do they interact with the ‘synchronized’ keyword?

Behavior of Classical Threads with ‘synchronized’

When a Classical Thread encounters a synchronized block, it will behave as follows:

  • Blocking: Classical Threads will block until the lock is available, just like Virtual Threads. However, the blocking involves a context switch, which is more expensive.
  • Lock Contention: Classical Threads use a traditional lock mechanism, which can lead to contention and performance issues when multiple threads compete for the same lock.
  • Unfairness: Classical Threads prioritize thread scheduling over fairness, which can lead to starvation and performance bottlenecks.
// Example of Classical Thread behavior with 'synchronized'
public class ClassicalThreadExample {
    private synchronized void criticalSection() {
        // Critical section code here

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a Classical Thread
        Thread t = new Thread(() -> {


Now that we’ve explored the behaviors of Virtual Threads and Classical Threads with regards to the ‘synchronized’ keyword, let’s summarize the differences:

Feature Virtual Threads Classical Threads
Blocking Efficient blocking without context switch Blocking with context switch
Lock Mechanism Lock striping for reduced contention Traditional lock mechanism with contention
Fairness Prioritizes fairness to prevent starvation Prioritizes thread scheduling over fairness


When deciding between Virtual Threads and Classical Threads, consider the following factors:

  • Concurrency level: If you need to handle a large number of concurrent tasks, Virtual Threads are a better choice. They’re more efficient and can handle a higher level of concurrency.
  • Resource constraints: If you’re working with resource-constrained systems, Virtual Threads are a better fit. They require fewer resources and produce less garbage.
  • Legacy system integration: If you’re integrating with legacy systems that rely on Classical Threads, it might be better to stick with what you know.


In this article, we’ve explored the differences in behavior between Virtual Threads and Classical Threads regarding the ‘synchronized’ keyword. While both thread types have their strengths and weaknesses, Virtual Threads offer a more efficient and lightweight approach to multithreading. By understanding the nuances of each thread type, you can make informed decisions about which one to use in your next Java project.

Remember, the ‘synchronized’ keyword is just one aspect of multithreading. To master the art of concurrent programming, you’ll need to delve deeper into the world of threads, locks, and synchronization. Happy coding!

(*This article is intended for informational purposes only and may not reflect the opinions or views of the author or their employer. Java is a trademark of Oracle Corporation.)


Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to untangle the mysteries of virtual threads and classical threads when it comes to the synchronized keyword!

How do virtual threads and classical threads differ in terms of acquiring and releasing locks when using the synchronized keyword?

When using the synchronized keyword with classical threads, the thread acquires and releases the lock explicitly. In contrast, virtual threads use a pthread_mutex_t lock, which is acquired and released implicitly by the JVM. This difference in lock management can significantly impact the performance and scalability of your application.

What happens when multiple virtual threads contend for the same synchronized block?

When multiple virtual threads contend for the same synchronized block, they will block and yield to other tasks, allowing other virtual threads to progress. This cooperative scheduling approach reduces the overhead of traditional thread scheduling and improves system utilization. In contrast, classical threads would compete for the lock, leading to increased contention and decreased performance.

How do virtual threads handle starvation when accessing a synchronized block?

Virtual threads use a fairness algorithm to prevent starvation when accessing a synchronized block. This ensures that each virtual thread will eventually get a chance to acquire the lock, even in the presence of high contention. Classical threads, on the other hand, do not have built-in starvation protection, and may require additional synchronization mechanisms to prevent starvation.

Can virtual threads be used with existing synchronized code?

Yes, virtual threads can be used with existing synchronized code without modification. The JVM will automatically adapt the synchronization mechanism to work with virtual threads. However, keep in mind that virtual threads may exhibit different performance characteristics compared to classical threads, so some tuning may be required to optimize performance.

Are there any scenarios where classical threads are more suitable than virtual threads when using the synchronized keyword?

Yes, classical threads may be more suitable when working with native resources, such as files or sockets, that require explicit thread-affinity. In these cases, the explicit thread management of classical threads provides more control and predictability. However, for most cases, virtual threads offer improved performance, scalability, and responsiveness when using the synchronized keyword.