Unlocking the Secret to Efficient Table Storage: How to Find Storage Size of Tables in DuckDB
Image by Ilija - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secret to Efficient Table Storage: How to Find Storage Size of Tables in DuckDB

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Are you tired of dealing with bloated tables and wondering how to optimize your database storage? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to find the storage size of tables in DuckDB, a powerful open-source columnar database system. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to master your database’s storage and improve its overall performance.

Why is it Important to Know the Storage Size of Tables?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of finding storage sizes, let’s talk about why it’s crucial to know this information. Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Optimize Storage: By knowing the storage size of your tables, you can identify bottleneck areas and optimize your database to store data more efficiently.
  • Improve Performance: When you understand how much storage each table requires, you can optimize queries and reduce memory usage, leading to faster query times and improved overall performance.
  • Data Visualization: Having an accurate picture of your table storage sizes enables you to create more effective data visualizations, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.

The Power of DuckDB

DuckDB is a columnar database system that’s designed for analytical workloads. It’s known for its impressive performance, low storage requirements, and ease of use. With DuckDB, you can store massive amounts of data and perform complex queries at incredible speeds.

So, how do you find the storage size of tables in DuckDB? Let’s get started!

Method 1: Using the `du` Command

The simplest way to find the storage size of a table in DuckDB is by using the `du` command. This Unix command stands for “disk usage,” and it’s a powerful tool for calculating the storage size of files and directories.

du -h /path/to/duckdb/database/table_name

Replace `/path/to/duckdb/database/table_name` with the actual path to your DuckDB database and the table you want to measure.

Here’s a breakdown of the options used:

  • `du`: The `du` command itself.
  • `-h`: This option enables human-readable output, making it easier to understand the storage size.
  • `/path/to/duckdb/database/table_name`: The path to the table you want to measure.

Method 2: Using the `duckdb_info` Command

DuckDB provides an internal command called `duckdb_info` that returns detailed information about a table, including its storage size.

.duckdb_info table_name

Replace `table_name` with the actual name of the table you want to measure.

This command will return a table with various columns, including `storage_size`, which displays the total storage size of the table in bytes.

Method 3: Using SQL Queries

If you prefer to stick to SQL queries, you can use the following command to find the storage size of a table:

PRAGMA duckdb Storage_SIZE('table_name');

Replace `table_name` with the actual name of the table you want to measure.

This query will return the total storage size of the table in bytes.

Calculating Storage Size for Multiple Tables

What if you need to calculate the storage size for multiple tables? You can use the following SQL query to accomplish this:

SELECT table_name, SUM(duckdb Storage_SIZE(table_name)) AS total_storage_size
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'your_schema_name'
GROUP BY table_name;

Replace `your_schema_name` with the actual name of your schema.

This query will return a list of tables with their corresponding storage sizes.

Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Storage

Now that you know how to find the storage size of tables in DuckDB, here are some valuable tips and tricks to help you optimize your database storage:

  1. Use Efficient Data Types: Choose the most appropriate data types for your columns to reduce storage waste. For example, use `integer` instead of `bigint` for smaller integer values.
  2. Compress Your Data: DuckDB supports compression, which can significantly reduce storage sizes. Use the `compression` option when creating tables or alter existing tables to enable compression.
  3. Vacuum and Analyze Regularly: Regularly vacuum and analyze your tables to remove unnecessary data and maintain optimal storage efficiency.
  4. Split Large Tables: If you have extremely large tables, consider splitting them into smaller, more manageable chunks to reduce storage sizes and improve query performance.


Finding the storage size of tables in DuckDB is a crucial step in optimizing your database performance and storage efficiency. By using the methods outlined in this article, you’ll be able to accurately measure storage sizes and make data-driven decisions to improve your database’s overall performance.

Remember, a well-optimized database is a happy database! By following the tips and tricks mentioned in this article, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of your DuckDB database.

Method Description
du Command Uses the Unix `du` command to calculate storage size
duckdb_info Command Uses the internal `duckdb_info` command to return detailed table information, including storage size
SQL Queries Uses SQL queries to calculate storage size, including PRAGMA duckdb Storage_SIZE

What’s your favorite method for finding storage sizes in DuckDB? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Curious about how to find the storage size of tables in DuckDB? Well, you’re in luck! Here are the answers to your burning questions.

How do I find the storage size of a single table in DuckDB?

You can use the `PRAGMA table_info` command followed by the table name to get the storage size of a single table in DuckDB. For example, `PRAGMA table_info my_table;` This will return the size of the table in bytes.

What if I want to find the storage size of all tables in a DuckDB database?

Easy peasy! You can use the `PRAGMA database_info` command to get the storage size of all tables in a DuckDB database. This command will return a list of all tables along with their respective sizes in bytes.

Can I use SQL queries to find the storage size of tables in DuckDB?

Yes, you can! DuckDB supports SQL queries, and you can use the `information_schema.tables` system view to find the storage size of tables. For example, `SELECT table_name, pg_total_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name)) AS table_size FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ‘public’;` This query will return a list of all tables in the `public` schema along with their respective sizes in bytes.

How do I get the storage size of a specific schema in DuckDB?

You can use the `PRAGMA schema_info` command followed by the schema name to get the total storage size of all tables in that schema. For example, `PRAGMA schema_info my_schema;` This will return the total size of all tables in the `my_schema` schema in bytes.

What units does DuckDB use to represent storage size?

DuckDB represents storage size in bytes. So, if you see a size of 1024, that means the table or schema is using 1 kilobyte of storage space.

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